Thursday, April 21, 2011


Pagode is a genre of Brazilian music, which was originally from the state of Bahia and quickly became widespread throughout Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro as subgenre of Samba. Pagode was originally a celebration of life with a large amount of food, music, and party. In 1978, figures such as Beth Carvalho and Zeca Pagodinho became really famous by playing this type of music. This genre started to become more original and more separated from Samba, a different Brazilian genre, as it began to include local vernacular and slang. The originality of the genre also developed with the help of the Fundo de Quintal band.

Pagode provides an unique audiotopia for Brazilians and many other people in the world. This type of music has the power to make people feel better, happier, and more relaxed. It is a perfect escape for people who are stressed with work, school, and many other demands of modern society. This "feel good" type of music is becoming more widespread as Latin music has gained popularity in America culture. Pagode has the ability to bring people together and its perfect to listen to any time of the day.

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